Rcon console

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Rcon console menu.jpg

The rcon console is an administration tool that helps administrators of servers to send commands in a quick manner.


In order to make the rcon console work, one need to fill in IP, port and rcon password of the server. Please note, the rcon password is not the same as a server password or a private password.

  • IP: Add the server IP here, for example
  • Port: Add the server port. Usually, MoHAAS servers have the default port 12203.
  • Rcon password: This is your administration password to your server, given by your server admin.


If all data is correctly filled in, you can type into the textbox on the bottom of the page as if it were the real console from the game.


  • rcon status - shows the status of the server
  • rcon clientkick 50 - kicks the player with the client number 50